Monday, July 20, 2015


Sixfold publishes under an interesting premise. You send in  a story with a minimal fee. Then you're sent back stories in rounds which you critique and rate and by this method, better or best stories rise to the top. I was game a round or two ago, but not under the illusion that the story I sent in was great or would win. I just wanted some feedback.

My story came out somewhere in the middle of the range. Some people liked it, some people did not. I thought that was pretty fair. My yardstick was based on another story altogether. Here's the link to that one:

Yeah, you have to scroll down to near the end of the list and look for the entry Marian Chase. The author has chosen to be anonymous, but luckily their story is still available. Do me a favor, make an extra effort and go read it.

And after you do, go enter the Sixfold contest. Find out all about it HERE.

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